Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Buzz Blitz - Belo Mansion

            ISES Incentive from the Belo Mansion!

Confirm a new event that takes place before December 31, 2011!  Receive a gift card from Ristorante Nicola’s. Contact Bryan Starnes at 214 -220-7417. bstarnes@dallasbar.org  www.belomansion.com

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

ISES Olympics

6th Annual Industry Olympics

The Industry Olympics is an annual event which brings all the Hospitality Industry Organizations together for an evening of fun and competition.  Each organization puts up a team to battle the other organizations in industry-related games to claim the prize as the best team.

The date of this year’s event is Monday, May 16, 2011, at the Dallas Zoo. The event begins at 5:30 and is over by 9:00pm. Teams MUST be present by 5:30 PM in order to participate in the competition.  Eight (8) members are required per team. You must be on a team to compete but you don’t have to be on a team to attend. We will have activities for guests who are not part of a team.

FREE PARKING will be provided on site.

Advanced registration is $45.00 per guest (provided they are a member of a participating industry organization) or $65.00 for non-members or late registrations. Each team must pay a $25.00 per team flat registration fee. The $25.00 will serve as an “Adopt an Animal” donation for one of the zoo’s animals. Your selected animal will also serve as your team mascot.  Team uniforms/costumes are encouraged!

Available animals are:
·         Virginia Opossum
·         Pygmy Hedgehog Tenrec
·         Pink-toed Tarantula
·         Nigerian Dwarf Goat
·         Mallard Duck
·         Blue-tongued Skink
·         Bantam Rooster
·         Ball Python
·         Naked Mole Rat
·         Broad-banded Copperhead Snake
·         Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
·         Vietnamese Wood Turtle
·         African Bullfrog
·         Poison Dart Frog
·         Rock Hyrax
·         Fairy Bluebird
·         Superb Starling

Mascots will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis so register your team today to ensure you get your first choice of mascot!

This is a great event as it puts you in contact with all the industry professional organizations at one time. 

The event itself is sponsored by ISES.  Team-building will be provided by
i Entertainment . This year’s event chair is Melanie Goodwin, CMP, DMCP from Ultimate Ventures:

Melanie Goodwin, CMP, DMCP
972-732-8433 office
972-693-3435 cell

We hope to see you at this year’s Industry Olympics!