Monday, August 30, 2010

The Annual General Meeting held at ISES Eventworld!

At this year’s general meeting where The ISES Spirit of Excellence awards program takes place, chapters and members from all over the world were acknowledged for their extraordinary efforts, performance, and outstanding contributions to the association. Many awards were given out on this day, but we were most proud of our neighbors from the New Orleans Chapter for winning the Chapter Membership Retention Award. Many of us who have been around long enough remember going to New Orleans to help get their chapter going, and how, since then we have all become very close friends. It’s always a joy to see them on an International level like Eventworld, and it’s even sweeter to see this chapter grow and excel after all the city has been through. Other highlights were the Austin Chapter from right down the road winning for Special Projects. The same award your Dallas Chapter won last year. Thanks Austin, for keeping it in the Great State of Texas. This year’s region of the year was won by the Northeast Region, an honor held by our Southeast Region the year before.

This years leadership Awards were given to Andy Callin for Volunteer of the Year, Zanine Adams and Richard Foulkes received the Mettle Attitude which is given to the ISES volunteer who is always willing to help and who gets the job done even under trying circumstances, and Dennis J. Telischak, CSEP was presented Robert J. Graves award for striving and reaching new heights, with the vision to see past the obstacles and the determination never to look back. This year the award was extra special as Robert J. Graves was on hand to present the award.


Each year the big award is the Chapter of the Year Award which went to Minneapolis – St. Paul Chapter. It is designed to recognize the ISES chapter each year that exemplifies outstanding achievement in the key areas of chapter management, activities, and membership growth. This chapter symbolizes the excellence to which other chapters may aspire. The judging is based upon: Communications, Special Projects, Chapter Administration, Member Retention, Chapter Growth, CSEP Enrollments, CSEP exam participants, Programming and Education.

For a complete list of he ISES Spirit of Excellence awards winners go to:

Get involved in helping our chapter win Spirit of Excellence awards by contacting Melanie Goodwin, Director of SOE’s at: 

Brooks Kendall
ISES Dallas Past President

Monday, August 23, 2010

Program RFP

We are looking for vendors to sponsor our bi-monthly Educational Programs, Power Lunches and Master Series. Sponsors have the opportunity to showcase their services at ISES events! Each sponsor will have their logo appear on the invitations that are sent to the entire membership as well as on the ISES Dallas website and be acknowledged during the program. Priority is given to ISES members, but is not required. Please contact Michael Cheever at with any questions.

Deadline for submissions is Friday, September 3, 2010. This RFP form will also be available on the weekly Byte newsletter for future submissions if you are unable to commit at this time.

The Monday evening Educational Programs have attendance from 70 to 120 guests. Power Lunches and Master Series are generally less than 50 people. Please be as flexible as possible in checking dates you are available and let us know the full range of services you offer. Additional space is provided in order for you to make comments.

Make sure to look at the Miscellaneous option for opportunities to donate raffle prizes and silent auction items (benefiting the Linda Thornton CSEP Scholarship Fund).

Thanks for your support of the ISES Dallas Chapter and we look forward to a year full of successful Educational Programs!

NACE DFW Superhero Fundraiser 2010

 ISES Dallas is sponsoring a table at the NACE Superhero Fundraiser 2010, please help us support this great cause!

The National Association of Catering Executives (NACE) Dallas / Fort Worth Chapter is hosting its annual fundraiser on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at Union Station.  Kimberly Schlegel Whitman will be the guest emcee and judge for this year’s fundraiser and tabletop competition. In addition to the tabletop competition, there will be food, entertainment, and a silent auction.  Funds from this event will benefit Heroes for Children, the Foundation of NACE and the DFW chapter’s educational programming.

I would like to extend this invitation for you to attend this year's event. It is only $50/person to attend, and all you have to do is click on the link below to register!

Thank you in advance for your support and I hope to see you on September 1st! And don't forget to pass on to anyone else that you think should not miss out on this wonderful event!  We’d love to have ISES’ support especially since you have a table.  Thank you!

For more information about NACE & the fundraising event, you can visit our website at <>  or our Facebook at www.facebook/dfwnacefundraiser <http://www.facebook/dfwnacefundraiser>
For more information about this year's beneficiary, Heroes for Children, please visit their website at <>

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Are you a member of ISES? If not....why not?


By Jason Logan
President-Elect, ISES Orlando

As the new year of ISES begins, our chapter is faced with new opportunities, but also considerable challenges.  The biggest challenge we face right now is membership retention.  I don’t believe that this problem solely belongs to ISES Orlando.  It seems to be a recurring challenge for many other association chapters as well. 

Looking back over the past couple of years, I tried to figure out what the overarching factor was in why our chapter membership numbers have been decreasing.  While the economy is an obvious reason for many event professionals to leave their memberships behind, I wanted to dig deeper and look at our own chapter. 

For the past 3 years, our board of directors has conducted the “No Member Left Behind” survey to see how we could best serve the membership.  We heard what the membership was saying and we tried to implement their needs and wants into our chapter meetings. Education and networking were the two most popular requests as a result of our survey last year.  So, our programs and education team worked hard to deliver an equal portion of both education and networking in our programming. 

Problem solved?  Hardly.

While we were paying attention and giving our members what they want, it seems to have not created the overall impact that we were hoping for:  to keep existing members and to gain new ones.

I began to dig even deeper into the situation.  I asked leaders of other ISES chapters what they were noticing in their own memberships.  I read articles about membership attrition and the reasons why people join, and then leave organizations.  One of the articles that I came across was a blog post from Jeffery Saltzman.  He seemed to have a lead on the subject.  Here is an excerpt from his blog…

The notion that people join organizations and leave bosses tends to be an overly simplistic depiction of the complexities of why people join and leave organizations. After years and years of research and literally hundreds of articles and books published on the topic, there is no mystery regarding what people around the world want out of a job experience or a career. And while you can spend your time searching and highlighting the minutia that indicates differences, perhaps driven by your research design, the bottom line is that people at work, humans, are more the same than we are different, and I don’t care if we are talking about generational differences, gender, ethnicity or perceived geographic differences. And while there are as many ways to state it as there are researchers to describe it, the fundamental underlying characteristics of what people want include:
- A clear and compelling message or reason regarding what the organization is about, why it exists, what it stands for, what it hopes to accomplish and knowledge of how each individual person within it can support it in a meaningful fashion. In other words, give me a compelling reason for belonging; make it desirable for me to join up.
- Performance enablement – providing individuals within the organization what’s needed to accomplish their tasks in a way that creates pride. Align those tasks to the compelling message. In other words, make me feel like what I do is important in the organization’s mission.  Additionally important to enablement is:
- Working for a management team that is effective, trustworthy, ethical (warning: people’s definition of ethics is dependent on their role in the organization), makes individuals feel valued and accepted, and puts sensible business processes in place, positioning the organization well within its markets and industry, whatever those may be.   
- Create a sense of future – give me compelling reasons to stick around such as:
· Fair and respectful treatment – the equity equation – you get out what you consider to be fair for what you put in, covering pay, benefits, recognition, rewards and advancement as well as being treated in a respectful and dignified fashion
·        The ability to stay current in your skills and to develop new skills.

I know that each event professional sits down at the end of the year and analyzes his or her expenses and determines what stays and what goes.  That is part of being a responsible business owner.  The question of how much your membership brings you value is surely part of the analysis.  But the true value of your ISES membership is what you put into the organization. 

While attending EventWorld a few years ago, one of the attendees made a statement that has remained with me ever since.  It occurred during a discussion between two very well respected event professionals. They were talking about the economy and how it had affected their business over the past year.  One of them said that he might not be able to afford to renew membership in the coming year. The conversation volleyed back and forth for a few minutes. The other professional made the final statement by saying…”You say you may not be able to afford your membership this year… well I am in the same boat as you are, and I can’t afford not to have my membership”. 

This struck me right between the eyes.  That statement was so true for me as well.  I am a small business owner and I struggle just like anyone else.  I thought about the $399.00 a year that I spend on my membership.  I thought about the $420.00 I spend annually on monthly meetings, plus all of the other expenses I put forth to attend industry conferences.  I thought about the countless hours I dedicate to this chapter by being on the board of directors, and thought, man that is a lot of money that could go back into the bottom line.  I started to agree with the guy who was debating on not renewing.  But then, I started to think about what this chapter is about, and what this organization is all about…

Dedicated and Educated to Deliver Creative Excellence and Professionalism in Special Events.

The Mission of ISES is to educate, advance and promote the special events industry and its network of professionals along with related industries.
To that end, we strive to…
- Uphold the integrity of the special events profession to the general public through our "Principles of Professional Conduct and Ethics"
- Acquire and disseminate useful business information
- Foster a spirit of cooperation among its members and other special events professionals, and…
- Cultivate high standards of business practices.

There it was.  Nowhere did it say I was guaranteed business from other ISES members.  Nowhere does it say that my market share would increase due to my membership.  What it does say in a nutshell, is that I will be a better Special Event Professional and I will do my job ethically and with integrity.

Some people may not think that is enough to join an organization like ISES, but membership does have its privileges.  Here are just some of the things you get from becoming an ISES member…

Membership in ISES will entitle you to member benefits and Internet access to ISES resources that non-members don't get.

  • Chapter Membership
·        Professional Development and Education
·        Subscription to Special Events Magazine
·        Unlimited use of ISES' Online, Downloadable Membership Directory
·        A listing on ISES' website and website content dedicated to the consumer to find you!
·        Special Member Discounts and Access to Affinity Programs

The Affinity Programs include discounts from these companies:

·        The Wall Street Journal
·        Staples
·        Shaker Group Inc.
·        Quicken
·        Microsoft Office Live Small Business
·        Franklin Covey
·        FedEx Kinko’s
·        Budget Truck Rental
·        Alamo
·        Adobe

The perks listed above are all great reasons to join ISES.   We have all heard the stories of how the FedEx Kinko’s discounts basically pays for most member’s memberships for the year.  It truly is that great of a discount!

But what it all boils down to for me is this:  my company would not be where it is today if it hadn’t been for my involvement in ISES.  The people that I have met, the contacts that I have made locally and out of state, and the places I had the opportunity to perform have all come because of my affiliation with this prestigious and valuable organization. 

Whether you are an existing member, new member, or someone sitting on the fence, I challenge you to do this.  Give ISES a try and get involved.  Join a committee.  Become a chapter leader.  Write an article for our newsletter.  Network at our meetings.  Sponsor a product or service for one of our events.  These are the best ways to get what you are looking for out of your ISES Membership.  I hope to see your name on our membership roster this year!

August Power Lunch. Design 101: It's so much more than floral

click here to register

My New Extended Family by Ashley Holder

Upon entering into this industry just over five years ago, I realized that it was pure insanity. Our clients are demanding, the hours are long and hard; the physical, mental and emotional toll from some events is completely draining. I have found myself trying to explain to people about my job, my industry and what it’s like and yet they never quite get it.

Eventworld is like being with your family who understand you. They know the history; they know the ups and downs and the pressures involved. We are able to come together to not only support each other in times of hardship through our own personal efforts but through organizations like SEARCH. SEARCH is the foundation that assists event professionals in times of personal and professional crisis (such as the hardships felt by professionals in New Orleans after Katrina, or someone who has suffered a severe illness and needs help with medical bills) Recently they have expanded their efforts to include educating event professionals by giving scholarships to attend conferences like Eventworld. We celebrate each others achievements through award programs like the Esprits.

Sometimes we as professionals come across problems and we try to fix it on our own because feel embarrassed that we don’t know the answers. Eventworld allows you to talk to other salespeople, production managers, planners and business owners, who at some point, have been in the same situation. Why go through things alone and try to reinvent the wheel? These people aren’t competitors; they are colleagues and sounding boards.

If you were unable to go to Eventworld this year, try to make The Special Event or Eventworld next year. Between conferences, you can get the same feedback and support through the ISES Community. It’s a little bit like Facebook for ISES members where we can talk about our businesses, events and new ideas with other event professionals.

I said last week to a few people, it was like pushing the reset button to my soul and the more I look back on the experience the more I realize how true that that statement is for me.

The ISES Beat by Vince Corona

Hairspray proclaims “You can’t stop the beat,” and when ISES members from around the world met in Baltimore for Eventworld 2010, you couldn’t stop the ISES beat; not that you would ever want to! What a week of learning, meeting and fun!

As this was my first Eventworld, I went in with the anticipation of learning something different and meeting new people. Wow, did I ever underestimate my experience. The learning journey led me to some wonderful paths. Educational sessions, led by ISES members and industry experts, offered a variety of topics, which were divided on four tracks:

1. Business Applications: Sessions concentrated on the business owner and how to effectively run a business

2. Topical Trends Track: Topics concentrated on how become more effective event professionals with sessions ranging from Social Media to Entertainment to Design Trends

3. Event Practices: Focused on practical tools ranging from handling RFP’s to Building Relations with Non-Profit Clients

4. Event Boot Camp: Sessions geared toward the emerging Special Event Professional

The seminars were great, but the added bonuses were the discussions after the sessions with your new “ISES Friends” and how the topics related to your business or Chapter. Some of the best ideas came from others as they shared their experiences.

One thing particularly interesting was the contrast between the new ways of doing business and the old. Social Media ranked not one, but two seminars which helped to bring into focus not only what Social Media can do for your company but what the huge impact it is having on how your customers are doing business. The Social Media sessions were followed with the ancient art of Creative Writing and the importance of this craft when submitting proposals. It really demonstrated that no matter how much our business practices are changing, some things are important to maintain; such as, writing the perfect opening paragraph in a proposal designed to grab your client’s attention and hold onto it until the winning the bid!

The Eventworld experience certainly wasn’t limited to the formal sessions inside meeting rooms. The learning and friendships grew at evening events which allowed the social sides in all of us to come out. Whether it was the formal ISES Connections Lunge or informal gatherings with new friends, the connections to others and their experiences were amazing. Being able to connect and follow professionals across the world was a bonus beneficial both as an ISES Board Member and in my own business.

My Eventworld experience can be best summed up with “me and us”. The me part was how much I learned that will make me a more effective professional. The us part included all the ideas I picked up that will make the ISES Dallas a better chapter. If this is not something you have experienced before, I would highly recommend that you find your way connect to this great ISES (event)World next year in St. Louis!

A Multidisciplinary Educational Focus by Jim Monroe, CSE

(Jim is a new member of the ISES Educational Council)

Imagine going into a seminar and listening to a master designer discuss her discipline.
Now imagine going into a seminar and listening to a master designer discuss her discipline and how it relates to your discipline.  That is how Paul Creighton, CSEP, Director of the ISES Education Council, envisions future educational offerings throughout ISES.

At our recent Eventworld and the preceding leadership sessions the ISES Board of Governors continued to make good on their 2008/2009 commitment to focus on education.  Education has been clearly established as critical to the future of ISES and the Education Council has determined that the interrelationship between our many disciplines is critical to our body of knowledge.

The educational offerings at the 2010 Eventworld were designed to begin this process, aiming to address various topics at the intermediate or advanced level while offering an emersion experience “Boot Camp” for event professionals with 3 years or less experience. 

My personal experience with the classes found that 75 % achieved the goal of providing advanced level information useful to the master level participant. For example, in the business track that I followed there was valuable information regarding current special event insurance offerings and equally valuable legal advice regarding structuring event contracts.  This is the first time in the eight event conferences which I have attended that there were this many master level presentations.  Most conference presentations are given at the 101 level, as there is a huge turnover each year with the largest number of attendees being 1st or 2nd timers.

Perhaps the most interesting, and certainly two of the best attended, sessions were the professional roundtables.  One, “Birds of a Feather” was made up of special event professionals from the same disciplines discussing current issues, trends and best practices for 1 1/.2 hours.  The other “Topic Focused” was made up of 30 tables labeled with different issues, topics or challenges; for example: “Design Trends”, “Stretching the Dollar” and “Strategic Relationships.”  Each attendee was allowed 25 minutes at each of three topic tables of their choosing.  This was perhaps the session that was most true to the goal of multidisciplinary interaction.  I found the interplay informative and inspiring.

The goals of the Education Council may not have been met equally well across the board, but in general the positive impact of those goals made this one of the best educational offerings in my experience at the conferences I have attended.

In closing I have to mention that having been away from the community of event conferences for a couple of years I was reminded of how invigorating the experience is.  Sharing some concentrated time together with fellow professionals from multiple disciplines and different places inspires creativity and boosts one’s energy level!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Get Involved! Get on a Committee!

Look through the committees and find one that works for you.  If you want more information or you want to sign up email the person listed.

Membership Committee is responsible for developing and cultivating value added member only benefits.  It is also responsible for  encouraging event professionals to join ISES and current members to get involved and retain their membership.
Contact Justin Atkinson for more information.

Communications Committee is responsible for the marketing, advertising and chapter communications, including newsletters, social media, web and print advertising.  The committee also is responsible for spreading the word about ISES throughout the event industry and to the general public, the website, and more.
Contact Ashley Holder for more information.

Programs is responsible for the logistics of each of the meetings that ISES Dallas presents, including locations, rentals, caterers, décor, and more. 
Contact Vince Corona for more information.

Education is responsible for developing the education for each of the meetings that ISES Dallas presents that will appeal to the full membership.  The committee works to educate members in business matters, event trends and issues as well as educates the members based on the Certified Special Event Professional (CSEP) test.
Contact Kristen Dickson CSEP for more information.

Spirit of Excellence (SOE) Committee is responsible for the ISES Dallas entries to for the SOE's.  The Chapter Spirit of Excellence Awards recognize ISES chapters that excel in chapter communications, administration, membership retention, and growth programs.
Contact Melanie Goodwin for more information.

Philanthropy Committee is responsible of finding ways for ISES Dallas to give back to the community at large.  The committee is responsible to find causes to raise money for during chapter meetings as well as causes for the Special Projects Committee to partner with.
Contact Glenn Roush for more information.

Special Projects Committee is responsible for planning and executing special projects for ISES Dallas.  Special projects include but aren't limited to Texas Star Awards, Partyfest, the programs and projects that ISES Dallas does as part of their philanthropic efforts. 

Finance Committee is responsible for maintaining the ISES Dallas financial records. 
Contact Nick Mallouf for more information.

ESPRIT Award Winners!

Congratulations to all the winners at the ESPRIT awards.  
Special congratulations to the ISES Dallas members who received an ESPRIT.

2010 ISES Best Wedding Budget Under $75,000 USD winner
Tara Wilson of Tara Wilson Events for the "Modern French Whimsy"

2010 ISES Best Technical Production
Hyacinth Belcher CSEP of Onstage Systems for the "George Strait Concert"

2010 ISES Best Event with a Legacy
Chris Arrendondo & Team of Eclipse Entertainment, LLC for "The Legendary Block Party!"