Sunday, January 30, 2011

Texas Star Awards Submission Information

How to enter a Texas Star Award
  1. Download the entry guidelines and decide which events to enter.
  2. Gather any needed information or collateral.
  3. Write your entry- carefully following the rules. Remember- no company names anywhere in the entry.
  4. If entering a team entry assign tasks for each team member.
  5. Visit and click on the ENTER AN EVENT button.  This will take you to the payment site.
  6. Enter your information and pay for your entry. Group entries can provide one payment.
  7. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to the upload site
  8. You will receive a separate email with your individual username and password (it may take 24-48 hours to receive this).
  9. Enter your username and password
  10. 10. Upload your entry
  11. Now go back to and register for the dinner and book your hotel if needed.
  12. Attend the Texas Star Awards Ceremony on March 27th, 2011 and cross your fingers!
Contact Glenn Roush 214.709.3132

Best Event Design/Décor
This category honors excellence in event design. Design/Décor items included in this category are theme décor, floral design, props, scenery and/or display design and balloon artistry. Eligible entrants must have designed and implemented the work submitted (not the person who contracted/paid for the design and/or installation) If this was a shared venture both parties may enter together as a joint entry.
  • Under $25,000
  • $25,000 - $75,000
  • Over $75,000
  1. Describe the Event. (2250 Characters)
  2. Outline the client’s goals and objectives for the event. (1125 Characters)
  3. How did you address these goals and objectives through design/décor? (2250 Characters)
  4. What challenge(s) arose and how did you address these challenge(s)? (2250 Characters)
  5. Describe the event’s overall design, including its complexity, creative elements, marketing, production and/or logistical details. (4500 Characters)
  6. Describe the Production Management Process for the event as it pertains to event design/décor. Describe each phase of the process including Development, Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. Address the steps taken to ensure risk management control. (4500 Characters)
  7. Budget

Best Catered Event
This category honors excellence in Caterering: either on or off-premise. Eligible entrants include caterers, specialty bakeries, restaurants, facility operators, hotels, or any other entity that provides food to the special events industry.
  1. Describe the Event. (2250 Characters)
  2. Outline the client’s goals and objectives for the event. (1125 Characters)
  3. How did you address these goals and objectives through catering? (2250 Characters)
  4. What challenge(s) arose and how did you address these challenge(s)? (2250 Characters)
  5. Describe the Catering concept including creative elements and presentation. (2250 Characters) 
  6. Explain how the Catering concept demonstrated innovation in culinary skills, presentation or service and how your services integrated into and enhanced the overall event. (2250 Characters)
  7. Describe the Production Management Process for the event as it pertains to catering. 
  8. Describe each phase of the process including Development, Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. Address the steps taken to ensure risk management control. (4500 Characters)

Best Entertainment Production
This category honors excellence in entertainment production. Eligible entrants include entertainment producers, choreographer, designer, event professional or the performers of event entertainment.
  • Under $25,000
  • $25,000 - $75,000
  • Over $75,000
  1. Describe the Event. (2250 Characters)
  2. Outline the client’s goals and objectives for the event. (1125 Characters)
  3. How did you address these goals and objectives through entertainment? (2250 Characters)
  4. What challenge(s) arose and how did you address these challenge(s)? (2250 Characters)
  5. Explain the event’s Entertainment Production including products/services utilized for the event, creative elements and/or logistical details. (2250 Characters)
  6. Describe the degree of difficulty in the execution of the services provided by your company. (2250 Characters)
  7. Describe the Production Management Process for the event as it pertains to entertainment production. Describe each phase of the process including Development, Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. Address the steps taken to ensure risk management control. (4500 Characters)
  8. Budget- must include all production costs.
Best Technical Production
This category honors excellence in special event technical, design or execution services. Eligible items include but are not limited to lighting, audio visual, multi-media, staging and special effects. Eligible entrants must have designed and implemented the work submitted (not the person who contracted/paid for the design and/or installation.) If this was a shared venture both parties may enter together as a joint entry.
  1. Describe the Event. (2250 Characters)
  2. Outline the client’s goals and objectives for the event. (1125 Characters)
  3. How did you address these goals and objectives through technical production? (2250 Characters)
  4. What challenge(s) arose and how did you address these challenge(s)? (2250 Characters)
  5. Explain the event’s Technical Production including products/services utilized for the event, creative elements and/or logistical details. (2250 Characters)
  6. Describe the degree of difficulty in the execution of the services provided by youcompany. (2250 Characters)
  7. Describe the Production Management Process for the event as it pertains to technical production. Describe each phase of the process including Development, Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. Address the steps taken to ensure risk management control. (4500 Characters)
  8. Budget

    Best Event Support Services
    This category honors excellence in event support services. Eligible entrants include but are not limited to tenting, transportation, rentals, linens, furniture, and/or other specialty service. Eligible entrants must have implemented the work submitted (not the person who contracted/paid for the services). If this was a shared venture both parties may enter together as a joint entry.
    1. Describe the Event. (2250 Characters)
    2. Outline the client’s goals and objectives for the event. (1125 Characters)
    3. How did you address these goals and objectives through event support services? (2250 Characters)
    4. What challenge(s) arose and how did you address these challenge(s)? (2250 Characters)
    5. Explain the event’s production including products/services utilized for the event, creative elements and/or logistical details. (2250 Characters)
    6. Describe the degree of difficulty in the execution of the services provided by your company. (2250 Characters)
    7. Describe the Production Management Process for the event as it pertains to event support services. Describe each phase of the process including Development, Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. Address the steps taken to ensure risk management control. (4500 Characters)
    8. Budget

    Best Marketing/Design Collateral
    This category honors excellence in marketing/design. Eligible entrants include producers and designers of event marketing collateral. Eligible collateral includes advertising, promotional pieces, invitations, event signage, etc. Best Marketing/Design Collateral
    • Under $25,000
    • Over $25,000
    1. Describe the event. (2250 Characters)
    2. Outline the client’s goals and objectives for the event. (1125 Characters)
    3. How did you address these goals and objectives through marketing/design collateral? (2250 Characters)
    4. What challenge(s) arose and how did you address these challenge(s)? (2250 Characters)
    5. Describe the Marketing/Design concept including creative elements. (2250 Characters)
    6. Explain how the Marketing/Design integrated into the overall event. (1125 Characters)
    7. Describe the process for measuring the success of the Marketing /Design concepts. (1125 Characters)
    8. Describe the Production Management Process for the event as it pertains to Marketing/Design Collateral. Describe each phase of the process including Development, Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. Address the steps taken to ensure risk management control. (4500 Characters)
    9. Budget

    Best Event Photography
    This category honors excellence in event photography. Eligible entrants are photographers or event planning professionals.
    1. Describe the Event. (2250 Characters)
    2. Outline the client’s goals and objectives for the event. (1125 Characters)
    3. How were these goals and objectives addressed through photography? (2250 Characters)
    4. What challenge(s) arose and how were they addressed? (2250 Characters)
    5. Describe your Photographic concept including creative elements and perspective. (2250 Characters)
    6. Explain how your services demonstrated innovation in skills or presentation and how your services integrated into, or enhanced the overall event. (2250 Characters)

    Best Event Videography
    This category honors excellence in event videography. Eligible entrants are videographers or event planning professionals.
    1. Describe the event. (2250 Characters)
    2. Outline the client’s goals and objectives for the event. (1125 Characters)
    3. How were these goals and objectives addressed through videography? (2250 Characters)
    4. What challenge(s) arose and how were they addressed? (2250 Characters)
    5. Describe your Videograhpic concept including creative elements and perspective. (2250 Characters)
    6. Explain how your services demonstrated innovation in skills or presentation and how your services integrated into, or enhanced the overall event. (2250 Characters)

    Best Corporate Event
    This category honors excellence in corporate event planning. Eligible entrants include corporate event planning professionals, facility or venue managers, producers and manager of events for corporations. Events in this category may include, but are not limited to, company celebrations, employee or client appreciation celebrations, etc.
    *Note- Events produced by an event organization are not eligible in this category. For
    example, an MPI meeting would not qualify.

    • Under $75,000
    • Over $75,000
    1. Describe the Event. (2250 Characters)
    2. Outline the client’s goals and objectives for the event. (1125 Characters)
    3. How did you address these goals and objectives? (2250 Characters)
    4. What challenge(s) arose and how did you address these challenge(s)? (2250 Characters)
    5. Describe the event’s overall design, including its complexity, creative elements, marketing, production and/or logistical details. (4500 Characters)
    6. Describe the Production Management Process for the event. Describe each phase of the process including Development, Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. Address the steps taken to ensure risk management control. (4500 Characters)
    7. Budget

    Best Meeting /Conference Program
    This category honors excellence in meeting/conference programs. Eligible entrants include meeting and conference planning professionals, destination management companies or other entities that provide these types of meeting/conference services for single or multi-day programs.
    *The submission must include BOTH a meeting and special event component.
    *Note- Events produced by an event organization, are not eligible in this category. For
    example, a STEP conference would not qualify.

    • Under $250,000
    • Over $250,000
    1. Describe the Event. (2250 Characters)
    2. Outline the client’s goals and objectives for the event. (1125 Characters)
    3. How did you address these goals and objectives? (2250 Characters)
    4. What challenge(s) arose and how did you address these challenge(s)? (2250 Characters)
    5. Describe the event’s overall design, including its complexity, creative elements, marketing, production and/or logistical details. (4500 Characters)
    6. Describe the Production Management Process for the event. Describe each phase of the process including Development, Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. Address the steps taken to ensure risk management control. (4500 Characters)
    7. Budget

    Best Public Event
    This category honors excellence in public event planning. Eligible entrants include public event planning professionals or other entities that provide these types of public event services. Events in this category may include, but are not limited to, street fairs, festivals, concerts, sporting events.
    1. Describe the event. (2250 Characters)
    2. Outline the client’s goals and objectives for the event. (1125 Characters)
    3. How did you address these goals and objectives? (2250 Characters)
    4. What challenge(s) arose and how did you address these challenge(s)? (2250 Characters)
    5. Describe the event’s overall design, including its complexity, creative elements, marketing, production and/or logistical details. (4500 Characters)
    6. Outline the event’s marketing plan and describe the process for measuring the success of the public event. (1125 Characters)
    7. Describe the Production Management Process for the event. Describe each phase of the process including Development, Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. Address the steps taken to ensure risk management control. (4500 Characters)
    8. Budget

    Best Event for a Non-Profit Organization
    This category honors excellence in non-profit event planning. Eligible entrants include non-profit event planning professionals and other entities that provide these types of non-profit event planning services. Events in this category may include, but are not limited to, fundraisers, institutions, campaigns, kick-off events and/or donor events.
    *Note- Events produced by an event organization, but benefitting a charity are not
    eligible in this category. For example, a NACE fundraiser would not qualify.

    • Under $75,000
    • Over $75,000
    1. Describe the Event. (2250 Characters)
    2. Outline the client’s goals and objectives for the event. (1125 Characters)
    3. How did you address these goals and objectives? (2250 Characters)
    4. What challenge(s) arose and how did you address these challenge(s)? (2250 Characters)
    5. Describe the event’s overall design, including its complexity, creative elements, marketing, production and/or logistical details. (4500 Characters)
    6. Describe the Production Management Process for the event. Describe each phase of the process including Development, Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. Address the steps taken to ensure risk management control.  (4500 Characters)
    7. Budget

    Best Wedding
    This category honors excellence in wedding planning. Eligible entrants include wedding planning professionals and other entities that provide these types of wedding planning services. Events in this category include Weddings.
    • Under $75,000
    • Over 75,000
    1. Describe the Wedding. (2250 Characters)
    2. Outline the client’s goals and objectives for the wedding. (1125 Characters)
    3. How did you address these goals and objectives? (2250 Characters)
    4. What challenge(s) arose and how did you address these challenge(s)? (2250 Characters)
    5. Describe the wedding’s overall design, including its complexity, creative elements, production and/or logistical details. (4500 Characters)
    6. Describe the Production Management Process for the wedding. Describe each phase of the process including Development, Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. Address the steps taken to ensure risk management control. (4500 Characters)
    7. Budget

    Best Social Event (non-wedding)
    This category honors excellence in social event planning. Eligible entrants include social event planning professionals and other entities that provide these types of social event planning services. Events in this category include but are not limited to bar/bat mitzvahs, personal celebration, Milestone birthdays i.e. Sweet 16, 40, 50, etc.
    *Note- Events produced by an event organization, are not eligible in this category. For
    example, a JWI social would not qualify.

    • Under $75,000
    • Over $75,000
    1. Describe the Event. (2250 Characters)
    2. Outline the client’s goals and objectives for the event. (1125 Characters)
    3. How did you address these goals and objectives? (2250 Characters)
    4. What challenge(s) arose and how did you address these challenge(s)? (2250 Characters)
    5. Describe the event’s overall design, including its complexity, creative elements, production and/or logistical details. (4500 Characters)
    6. Describe the Production Management Process for the event. Describe each phase of the process including Development, Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. Address the steps taken to ensure risk management control. (4500 Characters)
    7. Budget

    Best Team Effort
    This category honors excellence by a team of Texas event professionals (a minimum of three Texas event association members must participate to qualify). The team leader is responsible for the entry submission and payment. Multiple payment methods will result in disqualification. Events in this category may include any event produced for a client. Team members may be a member of any Texas event association. All team members do not have to be a member of the same organization. For example, a team could have members from MPI, STEP, ISES and NACE.
    • Under $75,000
    • $75,000 - $200,000
    • Over $200,000
    1. Describe the Event. (2250 Characters)
    2. Outline the client’s goals and objectives for the event. (1125 Characters)
    3. How where these goals and objectives addressed? (2250 Characters)
    4. What challenge(s) arose and how were they addressed? (2250 Characters)
    5. Describe the event’s overall design, including its complexity, creative elements, and/or logistical details. (4500 Characters)
    6. Each team member must provide a description of their role on the ISES team and explain how the ISES team worked together to accomplish the client’s goals and objectives for the event. (2250 Characters per team member)
    7. Describe the Production Management Process for the event. Describe each phase of the process including Development, Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. Address the steps taken to ensure risk management control. (4500 Characters)
    8. Budget

    Best Event Produced for a Texas Event Association
    This category honors excellence in event planning for meetings, socials, and fundraisers for Texas event organizations. Eligible entrants include Texas event planning professionals, facility or venue managers, producers and manager of events for event associations. Events in this category may include, but are not limited to, educational meetings, galas, fundraisers, etc. If the invitation came from a Texas event organization, it would be eligible. Budgets will be compared in retail values, not actual
    • Under $75,000
    • Over $75,000
    1. Describe the Event. (2250 Characters)
    2. Outline the client’s goals and objectives for the event. (1125 Characters)
    3. How did you address these goals and objectives? (2250 Characters)
    4. What challenge(s) arose and how did you address these challenge(s)? (2250 Characters)
    5. Describe the event’s overall design, including its complexity, creative elements, marketing, production and/or logistical details. (4500 Characters)
    6. Describe the Production Management Process for the event. Describe each phase of the process including Development, Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. Address the steps taken to ensure risk management control. (4500 Characters)
    7. Budget
      • What are the Texas Star Awards? 
        • The Texas Star Awards program is designed to acknowledge the extraordinary efforts, performance, and outstanding contributions of Texas event industry organization members.
      • What is the cost to enter the Awards?
        • The Texas Star Awards cost $75 per entry submission until Sunday February 27th,2011 at 11:59 CST. Late entries will be accepted until March 6th, 2011 at 11:59pm CST. Late entries will incur an additional $25 fee per entry.
      • Who can enter the awards? 
        • Any Texas event industry organization member in good standing on or before March 1st, 2011 is eligible to enter the Texas Star Awards competition.
      • Why should I enter the Texas Star Awards? 
        • By entering the Texas Star Awards, you are able to demonstrate the caliber of work that you or your company creates. This is your opportunity to show others in the industry your talent and what makes your company stand apart from the competition. Imagine being able to tell your clients that you and your company are “award winning!”
      • Who Judges the Awards? 
        • In order to maintain fairness in the judging, the Texas Star Awards are entirely anonymous. ISES event professionals throughout the world form sub-committees to judge the award entries by category. Each judging team’s scores are returned to ISES Dallas Headquarters to be totaled to determine winners in each award category.
      • How do I enter? 
        • Download the entry criteria. Be sure to follow all of the rules and submit your entry by the noted deadline. Eligible events must have occurred between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2010.
      • What are the most common reasons for disqualification? 
        • If you follow the rules and submission instruction guide and category specific guidelines, your entry will be valid. Most common mistakes include: Logo inclusion, entrant name and/or company name included in the entered content, on submitted file names or in collateral materials. Incomplete budgets or those not including all elements/retail costs are also cause for disqualification.
      • Where and when are the Texas Star Awards presented and received? 
        • ISES Dallas will recognize the outstanding accomplishments of Texas event professionals at the Texas Star Awards celebration in Dallas on Sunday March 27th, 2011.
      • What is the submission deadline date? 
        • Entries are due by electronic submission on or before midnight, CST February 27th, 2011. 
        • Need a little extra time? This year late entries will be accepted from 12:01 am, CST February 28th, 2011 thru March 6th, 2011 at 11:59 CST. Late entries will incur an additional $25 fee. Absolutely no entries will be accepted after March 6th, 2011.
      • Will my Entries Be Returned? 
        • All Entries are the sole property of ISES Dallas and will not be returned to any entrant. However, every entrant has the option to print a pdf. of their submission.

      Tuesday, January 18, 2011

      Why Attend Eventworld 2011?

      Network with Peers
      • Meet with professionals from around the globe
      • Create a resource list of individuals who can be a resource when working out of your city
      • Share ideas and broaden your base knowledge
      • Make contacts as this will make your company more known throughout the industry.
       Gain Knowledge
      • Attend sessions that will increase your base knowledge and open doors to new experiences that you can share with the rest of your staff
      • Learn about the latest trends through the various keynote and panel discussions with industry leaders
      • Share your knowledge on the latest areas of growth within the industry, as well as information about their events.
       Grow Professionally
      • Discover new tools, solutions and trends that will improve and prepare your business for the next level in special events.
      • Obtain points toward your industry certifications for attendance and participation in classes
       Obtain Lead Referrals
      • Generate leads while you have plenty of face time with your potential clients
      • Grow your business through contacts met in a personal setting
      Brand Your Business
      • Opportunity to showcase your company through sponsorship
      • Position your company’s message in front of all the attendees

      Can you afford NOT to attend?

      Travel, hotel, registration, some events information is posted on the conference website - Education, agendas and more specific information will be posted in the coming weeks.

      Registration will open soon!

      Education Committee Looking For Members!

      The Education Committee is looking for new members! If you are interested in working on the content for our Bi Monthly Educational Meetings, Power Lunches, or Masters Series, please email Kristen Dickson CSEP at (Bonus: Requires very few meetings :))

      CSEP Discussion Group :: Sign Up Now!

      *ISES Dallas will be holding an Info Session on TUESDAY FEBRUARY 8TH at 6pm, location TBD, for those who have questions and would like to learn more about the process. For those of you who are sure you want to study for the test & want to participate in the ISES Dallas Study Group, the dates have been tentatively scheduled for every Tuesday night from 6pm-8:30pm from February 8th - March 15th, location TBD. If you are interested in signing up or learning more, please email Kristen Dickson, CSEP at kristen@georgecatering or by January 31.


      The ISES Certification Committee is proud to announce the following enhancements to the CSEP (Certified Special Event Professional) Exam application process:
      • Applicants no longer have to purchase a CSEP Exam Instruction Manual. All exam information, requirements, and the exam application are accessible online at any time on the new ISES website, on the CSEP web pages for free.
      • The CSEP candidate’s event management knowledge, skills, and abilities are tested through our rigorous, industry respected exam, and therefore candidates are no longer required to provide “points” as part of the application process. However, the candidates are still required to still show proof that they are actively employed in the special events industry for a minimum of three (3) years full time.
      • Letters of recommendation are no longer required as part of the application process.
      • Once a new candidate is ready to sit for the exam, only one payment is required as opposed to three separate fees. Candidates will be charged a one time $600.00 USD fee.
      • The exam retake fee has been reduced to $200.00 USD.
      • A new CSEP website has been created so candidates and current CSEPs will have access to simple step-by-step exam application, exam and CSEP recertification procedures.
      • The one (1) year exam time limitation for approved CSEP candidates has been eliminated. Candidates can sit for the exam as soon as they feel prepared to do so

      Monday, January 10, 2011

      invites you to  
      Fire & Ice
      January 18 5:30-7:30pm 
      Drinks, appetizers, entertainment, giveaways
      & VIP tour highlighting renovations to come 
      prizes include floor seats to see the Mavericks v Lakers game